गायन / वक्तृत्त्व / डबिंगची आवड असणाऱ्यांसाठी
आवाज (स्वर) संस्कार आणि संवर्धन
ऑनलाइन कार्यशाळा
मार्गदर्शक: योगेश सोमण
अभिनेता, पटकथा लेखक, दिग्दर्शक
संकल्पना: प्रा. क्षितिज पाटुकले
आयोजक: विश्व मराठी परिषद, द्वारा साहित्य सेतू

कुणासाठी अधिक उपयुक्त - खरतर सर्वांसाठी ...ज्यांना अभिनेता, गायक, डबिंग, रेडिओ जॉकी, वक्ता, राजकीयनेता, वकील, राजकीय – सामाजिक कार्यकर्ते, असे करिअर करायचे आहेत तसेच प्राध्यापक, शिक्षक, कीर्तनकार, प्रवचनकार, कलाकार, डॉक्टर, इ. सर्वांसाठी अतिशय उपयुक्त कार्यशाळा...
५ दिवस - रोज १ तास
दि: १४ ते १८ जुलै २०२० वेळ: सायंकाळी ७ ते ८ वा
कार्यशाळेतील मधील मुद्दे:
१) आवाज कुणाचा ? आवाज कशाला ?
२) आवाज हेच भांडवल
३) उत्तम आवाजाची गरज कोणाला ? कलाकार, वकील, नेते, इ. प्रत्येकाला
४) आवाज, स्वर आणि पट्टी यांची ओळख
५) आवजाचा रियाझ, व्यायाम, संरक्षण आणि संवर्धन
६) आवाजामुळे करिअर संधी
About Us
Exploring Sanatan Vedic Hindu Dharma for revitalization of Mother Earth

About University
Bhishma Sanatan Vedic Hindu University
(A Non-Profit Corporation, Registered under Arizona Non-Profit Corporation Act )
A Religious, Educational and Academic Entity.
The programs offered by University in Phoenix; Arizona are exempt from licensure under A.R.S 32-3022(E)
Bhishma Sanatan Vedic Hindu University is dedicated to exploring and revitalizing the Sanatan Vedic Hindu Dharma to address global challenges and promote a sustainable future. Rooted in the essence of "Our Roots Give Us Wings," the University envisions uplifting the world through the timeless wisdom and practices of the Sanatan way of life. With a mission to reignite these ancient principles in every aspect of human endeavor, we offer a unique educational experience that blends respect, inclusiveness, purity, and commitment. Our programs guide students to lead harmonious lives while contributing to the resurgence of Vedic knowledge, fostering a deeper connection with the Earth and its future.
This University is located at 2 N Central Avenue Suite 1800 Phoenix a Arizona 85004 USA
Mission & Vision
Vision: Sanatan way of life will lift the world from its current problems and lead it to a happy, sustainable future.
Mission: To work towards the resurgence of the Sanatan way of life in every human endeavour
Values: Respect | Inclusiveness | Purity | Commitment
Bhishma Sanatan Vedic Hindu University helps you explore, understand and master the Sanatan way of life, so that you can lead a life of harmony and happiness while contributing to the resurgence of Vedic Hindu Dharma through its peerless store of ancient knowledge and the sustainable future of our planet.